Have you ever loved someone so much you wish you could tell them that's how I feel ... but you don't need a girlfriend or a boyfriend to be happy there will be a person perfect for you somewhere out there.




Someone plz ask me something super bored!
Thank you finally someone asked me for advice umm I have sent u an email but I am not sure if that is your real email x

I am promise everyone I will not use it email addresses for other things x

Check thee BBc website for some cool recipes x

Thanks guys bye x
When Someone cries
Try to comfort them.
And when that someone starts laughing
Laugh with them.
When someone fails
Try to help them succeed.
And when that someone does succeed
Praise them for their hard work.
When someone falls
Help them back up.
And when that someone is on their feet
Support them to stand even higher.
When Someone is Lost
Help them find their way.
And when that someone is back on the road
Walk with them.




Everyone is beautiful in there own way
PLz plz follow me on twitter my name is KiityCaitlin
Hey this is my site after Fire owl x


    Hey i am a young girl x Who lives in the Uk x

